New pan-Canadian Terry Fox Research Institute network receives close to $4-million to find better tools to treat prostate cancer

Date Posted

Drs. Martin Gleave and Colin Collins part of new pan-Canadian prostate cancer network

A new pan-Canadian network of prostate cancer researchers formed by the Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) aims to address this need with approximately $4-million provided by the Terry Fox Foundation and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. The funding was announced today at the CHUM Research Centre (CRCHUM).

TFRI’s Canadian Prostate Cancer Biomarker Network (CPCBN) brings together top scientists and clinicians at leading prostate cancer care and research centres in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia to take aim at answering this question with the goal of providing better tools – including new and more effective biomarkers -- to treat and manage the disease. Over the next four years, the group will work to identify new ways to determine what forms of prostate cancer require immediate treatment and which don’t, as well as how to better predict which patients, following treatment (surgery or radiation therapy), are at risk of their cancer progressing.

Total funding for the network is $3,995,326, with the Partnership having provided $550,000.

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